Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Annual Reports for Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Annual Reports for Organization - Essay Example Even the clarity of the information and the data presentation will be analysed through the annual reports of the concerned companies. The analysis is generally based on the annual reports because by analysing it we can come to the decision that whether the operational and financial activities are in tandem with the policies laid for the same (Weng, 2011, p.9). Difference in the approach each organization presents in its annual performance Steel industry is very popular as far as occurrences of fatal injuries are concerned in factories. Thus Arcelor Mittal has improvised the steps in the prevention of the fatalities and injuries of the workers because this also leads to increase in the LTIFR (lost time injury frequency rate). So health and safety has been the main focus in the present annual report of the company. Since the prevention measure has already been achieved by US Steel they are targeting a zero LTIFR. In the recent annual report the main focus of US Steel Corp. is the inves tments made for coke and coke substitute products which will take care of both their purpose of long-term self sufficiency as well as environmental performance. Thus both the companies’ area of focus is different from the other in the sense that while Arcelor Mittal is more concerned about the preventive measures; US Steel is concentrating towards the achievement of the environmental performance. Clarity of data presentation and information Presentation of data and information is more systematic and is clearer in Arcellor Mittal as compared to US Steel Corp. Different department of the steel industry has been bifurcated in the annual report of Arcelor Mittal and a proper explanation follows the same which can be even understood by the investors who may not have much idea about the steel industry. The data sufficiently supported by charts makes the presentation of Arcellor Mittal much more acceptable in comparison to US Steel Corp. In US Steel Corp the data though presented in tandem with the information is not easily understood by investors not having much knowledge in this field. Thus Arcellor Mittal is clearer than US Steel Corp. with respect to data presentation and information. Goals, Challenges and Plans emphasised by the organisation in their discussion The study of Arcelor Mittal gives a clear understanding regarding its goals which are, to be the safest steel and mining company in the world, to be the most preferred supplier in iron-ore and coal industry with huge customer base and long duration of contracts, strengthening linkage between company and its employees, to lead in the field of manufacturing, processing and marketing of steel and all metallurgic products. The main challenges of Arcellor Mittal is in maintaining reliable records related to safety of the employees, reviewing the cost structure of the company on a regular basis, work more closely with upstream businesses to manage stocks better in order to reduce the cyclical volatility of the company in the share market. Recruitment of right personnel for the correct designation at right time is another challenge faced by the company and lastly lack of transportation infrastructure and environmental concerns may be a debacle for the company. The plans of Arcelor Mittal to be

Monday, October 28, 2019

Motivational Theorists Essay Example for Free

Motivational Theorists Essay Team work is majorly important when organising, setting up or running a business. If employees and employers can’t organise themselves it causes conflicted between each other and the business might be affected by this. This could be because of disagreements of a topic, for example choosing a name for a product. This could cause tension between employees and put pressure on the manager. Team work is when a group of people come together to either discus or develop ideas. The groups can either be informal or formal. The main differences between these groups are that formal groups are more main stream businesses, for example Microsoft. Whereas team groups that are informal could be based upon close friends that are going on a Duke of Edinburg walk. However, because there are different organisations that have either formal or informal teams, this makes different structures depending on the different organisations involved. Informal groups are formed because the people involved feel the need for either: †¢Social interaction (sport events, birthdays) †¢To discuss different aspects of their business and the management skills †¢To discuss ideas regarding interests such as sports One of the main aims of the informal groups is to improve social needs, this will create motivation for the employees because they will feel more secure at work and they will have better communication skills. Although these informal groups are not set up by the management, they still have motivation as a useful factor. However, the aims of a formal group are different, this is because they seem more sophisticated and organised. This is because they are often organised because the group want to commit to long term and short term goals, therefore they have to be more committed and serious. Some of the groups are formed because the employees are working with similar goals, including: †¢Members feel committed and have a sense of ownership and respect for each other, including their other talents †¢The members almost always have a clear idea of their goals and aims †¢The members are motivated and egger to improve their businesses and their skills The members of the formal groups are not randomly selected, they are assessed because they need to have the same commitment and social skills as the other members in order not to bring the group down and cause it to be less organised. Teams are formed in organisations to help develop ideas that could potentially improve businesses. If teams are made then that means that there are more ideas involved and the business will be open to more options rather than one person putting in their opinions that could be based around the same thing. Teams are also formed to improve the contact and communication skills around the work place; it helps employees feel more comfortable with their surroundings and improves motivation for the staff. Year 13 applied team The year 13 applied class has organised a group in order to keep the organisation under control and more formal. Having this group in applied will help the year 13’s to become closer as a community. It will also improve social skills to a high extent which will gain valuable skills in the future when dealing with clients and customers. It will improve social skills because the students will have first-hand experience on what it is like exchanging ideas with their peers and team leader. It will force the students to get along with each other despite any social issues which prepare them for a future in business, making each student more professional. Having to discuss their opinions will also widen the students mind into exploring the different techniques that different people choose which means they will become more educated rather than keeping with the same technique that a student would use if they were to be working alone. The main aims of the DBS applied are: Usually organisations have similar objectives and aims, this is because profit related organisations want to make a profit and they want to event to be a success. However the aims will adjust to fit the event, for example one of the aims of a team building event might be to improve staff morale, whereas the aim of a product launch may be to raise awareness of a new product and attract new buyers. Every organisation and event will have an aim, either to make profit, be successful or be organised. The main aims of the DBS talent show are: †¢Raise awareness of the applied team †¢Make a profit to give to a local charity †¢To provide an enjoyable event for all participants and audience †¢To improve the school profile amongst the community †¢To ensure a smooth running event It is highly important for the DBS applied 13’s to have appropriate and SMART aims and objectives, this is because they help structure and organise the event making the chances of success greater than if they didn’t have aims and objectives. Benefits and limitations of team work Advantages Working with other students and employees can have benefits as well as limitations. The advantages and disadvantages of teams also need to be considered before deciding to transition to teams. The following table of team advantages and disadvantages is an adaptation of work by Medsker and Campion (1992).* This list can also be used by existing teams to self-evaluate their efficacy. (source / Having teams in a business can enhance the amount of work that is being submitted by the employees, this means that the business will benefit because they will have more work completed by a shorted dead line which saves time and money for new projects. An example of this is giving out leaflets to promote a product. If 10 people distribute the leaflets then it will take up less time than if it were one person giving out the information. Not only do teams benefit business and organisations, it also benefits individuals. This is because it improves communication levels and boosts confidence because the team members are working together and discussing their ideas. These are some team advantages and explanations: Team advantages Explanations Team members have the opportunity to learn from each other. This gives the employees the opportunity to embrace new ideas from different people; it also gives the opportunity to people to express ideas which mean other people can gather different information from difference aspects of the topic which will widen their mind frame. It gives chance to others to communicate with others. This will give the team members confidence in the work place because they will have better communication skills amongst themselves which also means that in the future they will be more likely to be able to get along with others in team work and amongst office hours. New approaches to tasks may be discovered. For any team, this is a benefit because different areas are looked at from the business plan. Because different people are working in the team there are many different ideas and tactics used which means new skills will be learnt and appreciated. Teams membership can provide social facilitation and support for difficult tasks and situations. This means that each team member is supported by their team mates, not only does this give confidence but it allows the plan to almost become bullet proof because if one of the team members are failing at a task there will be others involved to help. Disadvantages Although teams give both businesses and individuals they also have some limitations that come with them. For organisations there might be conflict between the team members therefore some team members might leave the company completely which will cost the business money because they will have to recruit new staff and pay for training and hold meetings about the event/program they are organising. This can also effect the views that team members have of each other, for example the completion rates might become too high (many members want to take leadership or the team) which might cause conflict between friends and colleges. Below is a table of some limitations the team work brings into a working environment: Disadvantages Explanations Some individuals are not compatible with team work.some individuals see team work as demotivating because it doesn’t fit into the way that they work, this might cause confusion amongst these types of people and it might cause them to lag behind and become over loaded with work they have to complete, this could cause the team to slip and cause problems. Some members may experience less motivating jobs as part of a team.There is almost a hierarchy in a team for example, there is the team leader that has the most responsibilities in the team and then the work load becomes less. Some workers are highly motivated by heavy workloads and high responsibility (theory X and Y), if a team member who works like this has little responsibilities then they are likely to become demotivated. However it could become the opposite way and a work member could be pressured by the amount of work they have to complete and they might feel unappreciated and stressed which could cause the team to fall. Teams may be time-consuming due to need for coordination and consensus.This could cause conflict with the team member’s social life because of the workloads that they are being given. It is important for a business to allow their team members to have a good amount of social life in order for them to work to a high standard. If the workloads given are highly time consuming then it might take over time and run into the employees leisure time which will affect the levels of happiness and could cause them to become demotivated and their working levels will drop. Impact of leadership In every business and organisation there are different ways of leaderships. Leadership is the way that the managers and team leaders motivate and control their employees, without them then it workers would not know what to do and the businesses will lose money and staff rapidly because of the lack of motivation and skills their employees have. There are five main management styles in business are organisations, these are made up of: †¢Autocratic †¢Democratic †¢Laissez-faire †¢Proactive †¢Reactive Autocratic Each one of the above are differently structured in order to fit the employee’s needs. They all can be related to the theories of Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor. Autocratic style workers are clear on their tasks that they need to complete, however these workers need a controlling environment to become motivated the workers are not quite focused. The manager of an autocratic worker gives the employees a set of tasks to do and they expect the workers to do exactly what they are told and when they are told to do it. There is hardly no opportunity for the autocratic workers to give their opinions to the manager and there is no discussions about the tasks that they have been given, it is a very controlled environment. Autocratic workers can be related to the theory X and Y (however the autocratic workers are only applied to X not Y) An example of an autocratic management style could be a bakery store, as the business became more popular and the demands became higher, the manager decided to become more forceful with the employees to make sure deadlines were complete on time and there was no money lost. Because it was a small business with such high demands then the manager would decide that there would be no room for discussion on the tasks the manager gave them. There are some limitations of an autocratic ran business, autocrats could lead to little motivation. This is because the employees have no say in the business that they are working on which could make the employees feel like they have little importance in the they are working in and they could feel highly pressured into doing some things that they really disagree on. This gives a sense of poor ownership and commitment to the business. Another limitation could be that, if a business is at a peak season and the demands are higher than usual there will be more pressure put on the employees and the manager might find that it is hard to cut the deadlines back even shorter than usual because there is already so much work that are on strict deadlines. Being an autocratic manager could also affect the business over all, this is because new ideas that employees have would not get across to the manager which means new improvements that could enhance the businesses income will not be acted upon. Having an autocratic based business could give some benefits towards not only the staff but the customer’s and consumers. Some examples of organisations that benefit from an autocratic based business are: †¢The armed forces and the police †¢Medical areas like hospitals and sergeants †¢Fire fighters †¢Managers of internships These are all organisations that are almost always under pressure and have little time to discuss the different options available. For example, where there are health and safety issues going on, surgeons can’t afford to spend their time on consulting other people first, they must act fast. This works out well for them because this means that more lives are saved and the business profile is high and caries a good reputation. Managers of internships often use the autocratic way of managing staff because they are often inexperienced, shy and have little confidence. Having a forceful manager controlling them will allow the workers to because confident at work because they will be able to get on with their work. It will also prepare them for the future work because the manager will let them know what is expected from them in other business. One other thing is that the workers will have less time to communicate because the work levels and demands are high. This means less time for d istractions and more motivation for work. Democratic Democratic management is much more lenient than the autocratic style of management this is because the employees have a chance to get their opinions across. They also have an opinion on how the business is run. However, this doesn’t mean that their opinions will change the company or organisation. There are still similarities between democratic and autocratic leaders because there is still a leader that makes the overall decision despite what the employees say. The democratic leaders often set a date in which they take time to talk to all of the employees who have an input about the business; this could be a positive or negative approach. The reason why the manager carefully set a date for this is because it takes a lot of time and patience to listen and take in all the different opinions of people. It doesn’t just take time to listen and observe to the employees, it also takes careful analysing to decide to take action and change the businesses ways because of the empl oyees’ choice. This is also because the manager has to go through the different levels of the hierarchy, therefore this can become very time consuming. Another disadvantage of having a democratic manager is that there will always be either a winner or a loser in some sense. This is because the employees point either gets across and there are significant changes made in the business for the employees benefit, or the managers chooses not to change anything which leaves the employees feeling ignored and demotivated. This can give the employees low motivation because the employees who wanted a change in the work place would have worked relatively hard and spent time planning and prepping for the meeting and the employees would feel like they wasted their valuable time for no reason. However, having a democratic manager is not all negative, having this type of working area can mean the workers are highly motivated for the fact that they feel valued because the managers take part in what they think about the business, and their opinions. Where as if they are not listened to many of the workers would feel like they are just there to work and have little contribution to the company and have no control over anything. Another positive aspect of democratic workers is that when the managers do listen to them, and there is a change made the workers feel proud and they feel like they have made commitments to the work place. This also means that a good relationship is made between the manager and the employees. The employees have more respect for the manager because they took the time to listen to them; in return the employees are likely to work harder. An example of this is, when new initiatives are considered at recruitment consultancy, Longbridge international, they are discussed and agreed collectively, almost 89% of the staff believes they make a valuable contribution to the company and 88% feel that they have/make a difference. (source: applied business text book) This example supports the fact that the employees are motivated by a democratic leader because they are listened to and respected, rather than a manager that doesn’t let them have any control over the work area or themselves. Laissez-faire Laissez-faire management program is a hand off approach, this means that the employees are free to work as they like and they are not put under pressure by their managers like other motivation and management theories. The managers who work like this will potentially give the employees the materials they need to complete the tasks that have been set for them. Laissez-faire workers have their own goals and are self-motivated. However, these workers must be highly experienced and motivated and who have a need for achievement to work because there is no manager pressuring for work. If an inexperienced worker comes into an atmosphere like this it is highly likely that the company will suffer with poor communication and lack of work on deadlines. This could happen because employees are not used to have a very free environment and they might take advantage of this. This type of management styles is highly popular within more creative businesses, this is because they are allowed to make up d ifferent styles and work by themselves. Some examples of Laissez-faire companies could be: †¢Graphic designer †¢Magazine editor motivational theorists †¢Decorator The work that is more artistic and creative is supposed to reflect of the employee themselves therefore this is why Laissez-faire management style is better because they are allowed this freedom whereas in autocratic and democratic environments they are not which means every ones work will almost be the same. However, the businesses that recruit these types of workers need to carefully think about whom they choose, in interviews they will commonly ask questions relating to their work techniques and they will analyse if the workers can work freely and don’t rely on the managers for advice, help and pressure. By asking these questions they are saving money and time for the business. If they were to recruit a worker that is cauterised as an X theory worker then they will slack off and not complete work on time. An advantage of working like this is that most people dont like having someone looking over their shoulder constantly, so a laissez-faire management style promotes trust i n the workers. The workers also have a feel of importance at work because they aren’t constantly being looked after and they have control of their work life as well as their social and leisure time. Another advantage is that this kind of style is positive only in the case when the employees are very responsible and in case of creative jobs where a person is guided by his own aspirations. In these cases, less direction is required so this style can be good. However there are some limitations to have such a free flowing environment, these can be because an laissez-faire management style makes it easy for workers to do a substandard job or to slack off entirely, and it usually takes a very high-visibility problem to bring such workers to light. This style has more disadvantages because usually it is the result of the lack of interest of the leader that leads to his adopting this style. It proves poor management and makes the employees lose their sense of direction and focus. The disinterest of the management and leadership causes the employees to become less interested in their job and their dissatisfaction increases.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

My Metaphor Essay -- Essays Papers

My Metaphor Essay Metaphor is the language of poetry, emotion, and a part of everyday life. Without metaphor one could not verbally express deep emotions. Therefore, it is one of our most important threads of language. We could say that it is like the prime component of our DNA. I've once heard someone say that metaphor was the beautiful language of the gods and angels only to be expressed by poets and musicians. I say it is a gift the gods have given to us so that we could express our everyday emotional lives. I believe that poetry is the language of our dreams. When we try to write a poem we are trying to manifest or conjure up deep-seeded feelings like we do when we dream. Sigmund Freud theorized that this is what dreaming actually is. To Freud, dreams are metaphors for our deep feelings and thoughts. For instance, sometimes when we dream the imagery comes to us in bits and pieces that make it undecipherable to comprehend. When we wake up and try to understand our dreams it's like putting together a puzzle. This is what metaphor does for poetry and (of course) for our language. Metaphors work to conceal meanings to express the very meaning being expressed. For example, in the poem called "Pitcher" Robert Frances uses metaphor to compare pitching with poetry. "His art is eccentricity, his aim - How not to hit the mark he seems to aim at," is describing what a poet tries to do when he or she writes poetry. Robert is stating how a poets art is unique and how a poet â€Å"veils† his w ord meanings with the usage of metaphor. Yet, words must not be too unexplainable. It must be almost unexplainable. Robert Francis goes on to say, "Not to, yet still, still to communicate - Making the batter understand too late," as if to make the... ... lighting an obscure world - Of things that would never be quite expressed, - Where you yourself were never quite yourself - And did not want nor have to be." Metaphor is the obscure moon that lights our obscure world. Our emotions would never be quite expressed without the usage of metaphor. Our lives would be quite boring without being able to express ourselves thoroughly. Metaphor makes our lives a little easier to bear when we can describe our feelings and thoughts to our fellow man. I cannot remember who told me that metaphor was the language of the gods and angels. I can tell you that I remembered it and found it to be important. I still have to disagree about the part where only the gods and angels use metaphorical language. However, I do believe that it is a gift from the gods and angels given to us to express ourselves. Obviously without it we would be lost. My Metaphor Essay -- Essays Papers My Metaphor Essay Metaphor is the language of poetry, emotion, and a part of everyday life. Without metaphor one could not verbally express deep emotions. Therefore, it is one of our most important threads of language. We could say that it is like the prime component of our DNA. I've once heard someone say that metaphor was the beautiful language of the gods and angels only to be expressed by poets and musicians. I say it is a gift the gods have given to us so that we could express our everyday emotional lives. I believe that poetry is the language of our dreams. When we try to write a poem we are trying to manifest or conjure up deep-seeded feelings like we do when we dream. Sigmund Freud theorized that this is what dreaming actually is. To Freud, dreams are metaphors for our deep feelings and thoughts. For instance, sometimes when we dream the imagery comes to us in bits and pieces that make it undecipherable to comprehend. When we wake up and try to understand our dreams it's like putting together a puzzle. This is what metaphor does for poetry and (of course) for our language. Metaphors work to conceal meanings to express the very meaning being expressed. For example, in the poem called "Pitcher" Robert Frances uses metaphor to compare pitching with poetry. "His art is eccentricity, his aim - How not to hit the mark he seems to aim at," is describing what a poet tries to do when he or she writes poetry. Robert is stating how a poets art is unique and how a poet â€Å"veils† his w ord meanings with the usage of metaphor. Yet, words must not be too unexplainable. It must be almost unexplainable. Robert Francis goes on to say, "Not to, yet still, still to communicate - Making the batter understand too late," as if to make the... ... lighting an obscure world - Of things that would never be quite expressed, - Where you yourself were never quite yourself - And did not want nor have to be." Metaphor is the obscure moon that lights our obscure world. Our emotions would never be quite expressed without the usage of metaphor. Our lives would be quite boring without being able to express ourselves thoroughly. Metaphor makes our lives a little easier to bear when we can describe our feelings and thoughts to our fellow man. I cannot remember who told me that metaphor was the language of the gods and angels. I can tell you that I remembered it and found it to be important. I still have to disagree about the part where only the gods and angels use metaphorical language. However, I do believe that it is a gift from the gods and angels given to us to express ourselves. Obviously without it we would be lost.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Child Marraige Essay

It blocks them from education and any possibility of independent work. It subjects them to pregnancy and childbirth before they have reached physical maturity, a circumstance that often produces serious physical trauma, psychological disturbance, and sometimes lifelong physical and/or emotional incapacities. Confusion about the legal status of child marriages results from widespread ignorance of the law by the majority of society. Even ministers were in many cases, unaware of the actual minimum ages for marriage. In Afghanistan marriage is regulated by civil law, various interpretations of Shariah law, and traditional and customary practices. Civil law sets the minimum marriage age for females at 16, but it permits a father to give his daughter in marriage at age 15, if he chooses. Shariah law sets the minimum age for females at 15. Customary practices approve marriage at earlier ages. In any case, Civil law takes precedence over both Shariah law and customary practice. (Shariah law is applied in matters not specifically set forth in the civil codes. Although the non registration of the marriages and the absence of identification documents do not allow the collection of accurate data on the subject, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) consider the non respect of the minimum age requirement to be the major violation of the right to marry or not to marry. In addition, Afghanistan is bound to end child marriage through its ratification of certain internationalconventions including The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Based on annual report of AIHRC suicides, self immolations, murders, sexual perversions and psychological disorders are amongst the many negative consequences of child marriage. These also include the increase of maternal and child mortality rates, and the low level of education for women which has a long term effect on the role these play in the country’s political, social and economic life. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report, girls who marry during their childhood do not develop properly, neither physically nor psychologically. They are frequently denied access to education and are subject to different types of diseases arising from abnormal births and isolation. Childhood marriages are common place and prevalent in Afghanistan. In this respect, the Afghan Constitution has clear provisions to support families and children. Based on the reports 57% of Afghan girls are forced to marry before the age of eighteen. Pregnancies of sixteen years old girls are relatively common in Afghanistan. Problem statement: Child marriage is a serious problem, and there are frequent cases of young girls being married to the much older men. Many times, children and teenagers are pulled out of school to marry, depriving them of an education and meaningful work. Victims suffer health risks associated with early sexual activity, such as high risks of maternal and child mortality and sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV/AIDS. They are also likely to be victims of domestic, sexual, and/or emotional abuse, and may suffer from social isolation. Child marriages have negative and unexpected consequences like propagation of disease, divorce cases and escaping from home. While parent’s poverty and illiteracy may lead to their marrying daughters as child, these very marriages will prevent the daughters from having access to education and economic progress. Research Questions: 1. What are the Social, Economic and Political consequences of forced and early marriages in rural society? Objective The focus of this concept paper is to know reasons, causes and consequences of early childhood marriages in Afghanistan. In addition this will seek on vulnerabilities which the girls face by forced and early marriages in rural areas and how it is linked with the rural society and contribute with the poverty, violence and isolation of the families. Research method: The Research will included literature review, reviews of existing files in hospitals and schools, interviews with hospital and school directors, interviews with Rural people (Target area), Government officials and NGOs. Forced Marriages in Afghanistan Afghanistan y Tahera Nassrat   |   on April 6th, 2010   |   9 comments Throughout the world, there are 49 countries that have forced marriage or child bride problems. Forced marriage is simply breach of basic human rights. It is a form of domestic violence and child abuse that contributes to a society’s problems. Afghanistan is one of the Islamic countries where people hold strongly tight to customs and traditions. Breaking the tradition of marrying young children, both boys and g irls, is not only difficult, but near impossible in most urban districts. In the rural areas of Afghanistan, girls are mostly married between ages of 7 to 11. It is really rare that a girl reaches the age of 16 and is not married. The customs, traditions and community they live in make it impossible for girls to break free from forced marriages. They do not get ask to speak for self desire. The fathers in the families mostly decide, as the mothers do not get involved in the decisions, because they are women. By marrying   children in early ages, families are putting them in situations of isolation, health problems, abuse, suicide and lack of education. They believe, they are doing best for their children and without their consents, they bond them into marriage contracts. However, they don’t consider that forced marriage affect women and young children adversely. It involves negative situations like threatening behavior, emotional blackmail, physical violence, rape, sexual abuse, suicide and even murder and young children are obviously not in the capacity to handle such pressure. According to a United Nations’ report, between 60 to 80 percent of marriages in Afghanistan are forced marriages. The report states that the reason why girls are dragged into forced marriages are; repayment of debts; to solve a dispute and to pay family expenses. Moreover, It is obvious among Pashtons, that their widow will never marry someone out of their family, as they always marry the brother of their deceased husband. However in a non-Pashton family, the girl is asked to marry her brother-in-law to get support for the children of her sister. Even worse, some sisters are married to pay for the crime of their brothers by marrying the victims. So, people in Afghanistan believe it is part of culture to marry a girl before age of 18th and not let her have a say, but they should consider that forcing a girl to marry cannot be regarded as cultural practice in any society. It is a violation of basic human rights. Therefore, women as part of society should be able to freely express their choices about their lifestyle desires. The video bellow is history of a 12 year girl who was forced into marriage. She ran away to break free from her in-laws, but unfortunately was arrested and in form of punishment by her husband (a Talib) she lost her nose and ear. Child Marriage in Afghanistan October 2, 2011 by Aamozgar01 Filed under Cultural, Featured 5 Comments If the government of Afghanistan does not stop the practice of child marriage, most mothers will lose their children besides their own lives in Afghanistan as a result of under age marriage. Indeed, getting married under the age of eighteen or sixteen is not legal according to any law around world because it is internationally accepted that at least the couples should be sixteen. Although according to the Afghan Civil Law the minimum age of marriage for male is 18 and female 16, according to reports of Medica Mondiale and UNICEF, 57 per cent of Afghan females are married under the age sixteen without their consent because of their parent’s financial problems. Moreover, Getting married under 16 sixteen will result several serious health problems for mothers that cause them not to develop properly, neither physically nor psychologically (Earily Marriage in Afghanistan). For instance, a woman living in Qala-e-Bakhtiar of Kabul with her six children has said to Medica Mondial that she was only 15 when she was married against her will. She hates the noise of her children   because   of   having   psychological   problems. (W. Mukhatari , pg 6). The marriage of children by force is against human rights. Children know nothing about their sexual relationship with their life partners, because they are still child and their parents should take care of them. Therefore, to save the Afghan female hildren from being exchanged for an amount   of   money   to   solve   a   family s   financial   problems,   Afghanistan government   should   educate   and campaign     about   consequences   of   child   marriage,   increase employment opportunities for parents, and enforce the law by making the marriage registration legal. In spite of understanding the childhood condition of children, most of the Afghan parents marry their daughters because financial problems they are facing. Poverty is a challenge, which changes the lives of children besides the culture of early child marriage. According to the report by Millennium Development Goals for Afghanistan, the average income of per member of family is 200$ a year and less than one dollar   a   day. So, they   are   considered   below   the   poverty   line     (Earily     Marriage   in Afghanistan). Thus, to get out of the financial crises the marriage of their daughters before their legal ages such 16 or 18 would be considered for some families the only option for the parents to protect their family honor, pay their debts and take a little amount of money in exchange for their. First of all, one of the reasons of child marriage is to receive an exorbitant amount of money, which is called Toyana (wedding expenses) in Dari. The payment that parents   receive from the groom family is not less than 300,000 Afs. and is not meant to be the wedding expenses, but the price of their child daughter. In a report about the child   marriages   in   Afghanistan   by   the   Women   and   Children   Legal   Research   Foundation (WCLRF) shows that most of the interviewees have said that the only reason they were married in their childhoods was to receive Toyana from the groom’s family (Earily Marriage in Afghanistan). Secondly, the other factor that makes the poor families marry their daughters under the age sixteen, often times in rural areas, is to exchange women for women which is called Badal. The practice of this type of marriage is very common among the afghan people. This kind of marriage saves a huge expense of both sides because of exchanging their child daughters from a family to another family to satisfy both sides. The wedding party of such kind of marriage is often   celebrated at one time to avoid spending an   large amount of money. Indeed, it is the little young female who is devoted for her brother and is victimized for a little amount of money. Third, debt is another function that the females are exchanged for under the age sixteen in Afghanistan. When a family is unable to pay its debt within limited time that agreed, then the family is supposed to pay a huge amount that satisfy the lender, such as building, farming land, in some cases even a daughter otherwise the family is put in jail. So, the only remaining option for the family to protect its ancestors   property would be to sacrifice a daughter as a form of repayment for debt. It does not matter whether the child daughter is 9 or 18 years. As an explicit example, Shahs Family had to marry their 9 year old daughter Khalida   two years ago. Shah had received almost 2000$ from a drug trader to grow opium in his land, but the government crop-eradication team destroyed his poppy field and put the Shah family in debt. So, he had to give his 9 years daughter to drug trader because nothing was left in his life. (Clifford) Forth, the traditional custom of Afghan people is victimizing the child females in most of the rural areas. One of the reasons of child marriage in Afghanistan is Baad, which is a traditional way of having the child females to marry one of males from the family of   enemy and forcing her to accept him as her husband in compensation for the crime that her father or brother has committed against the enemy family, and to stop the enmity between two families. For instance, Aisha, an Afghan female whose nose and ears were cut by her Al-Qaeda husband in Oruzgan province, was just 8 years old when she was given as a Baad to her husband family 10 years ago (Shaming her in-laws costs ). Because her father had killed a member of her husband family, so he had to give his daughter to compensate his crime and to avoid being imprisoned or being killed by his enemy. Unfortunately, when the child female goes to her husband house in Baad marriage she is not going to her in-laws   house as a bride but as a slave. Consequently, the child marriage has several negative impacts on the health of both, mothers and babies. The female children wh o are married under the age of 16 0r 18 would not be prepared for pregnancies and child birth. A statistic of child marriage by Women and Children Legal   Research   Foundation   (WCLRF)   shows   that   28. 7%   mothers   have   physiological   and psychological problems, 34. 1% have physically weak children,   8. 9% have handicapped and disabled children, 1. 6% have children with different types of diseases and disorders, and 40. 4% of these women have suffered from gynecological disease (Earily Marriage in Afghanistan). In addition, the child marriage would result to take the life of the mothers along with losing the babies. Most   of   the   mothers   who   are   dying   at the age of   18-19   are   because   of   their   early regnancies, and the chance of   survival for the babies would be forty per cent comparing to the mothers who married in their proper ages (Sadik). Furthermore, child marriage would result the child brides to be abused by their in-laws family. Most of the child females face various violations after t hey get married, such as no right to choose, no right to go somewhere without the permission of her husband . When the violation increase the child bride is going to be isolated from the families and relatives. Thus, the only options that remains for the child bride is to suicide or escape from home. The interview of female prisoners by   the   Medica   Mendials   legal   staff   shows   that   60%   of prisoners   were   the   escapees   from husbands   houses who were married under the age sixteen. Most of the prisoners have said that they   were   being   abused   or   even   being   threaten   to   dead by   their   in-laws   families (W. Mukhatari , pg 9) . To come out of the child marriage problem and save little young girls in Afghanistan, education and awareness of public are the main keys to prevent from child marriage. The government should provide community education programs to inform the public about negative consequences of child marriage. Such programs can be implemented easily by   Ministry of Women Affairs, which   can   easily   teach   the   women   of   an   area   without   any   problem,   or   in   other   way,   the government should pay the clergymen of mosques to advice the parents on their tribunes. These are the only sources that families can trust on. Moreover, the government should implement public awareness campaigns by international organizations and by holding Shoras and Jirgas with the elders of rural areas to talk about the negative impacts of child marriage (Earily Marriage in Afghanistan). The government of Afghanistan should enforce the law to prevent child marriages. For instance, keeping the marriage registration regularly by the government agencies and receiving the evidence and acquiescence of both sides could be a possible way to reduce the child marriage. For example, in parts of   Indonesia, registration of marriage is dependent on evidence that the marriage is not forced on couples (Sadik). The parents who marry their daughters in their childhood under the age 16 should punished and persecuted seriously by the government as governments of Norway and Kyrgyzstan did. They both have set the minimum age of the girls 17 and the punishment of those who marry the females earlier than the age 17 would be jailed for 2 to 6 years. Weak Economy is another factor, which causes most child marriages in Afghanistan. The government should try to develop the economic situation in rural areas where   women have   cannot   earn   money   for   themselves. For example,   the   project   of Micro finance Investment   Support   Facility   for   Afghanistan,   which   is   donated   by   the   World   Bank   and   is implemented by the Rural Rehabilitation and Development Ministry, should be accessible for all women the Afghanistan. In fact, lending a little amount of money to women can be   the   start   of   their   business   to   provide   their   own   necessities. For example   Saima Mohammad who was about to be divorced by her husband because of having only a daughter and no son. Her husband had borrowed 3,000$, and he was not able to pay it back. So, Saima went to Pakistani micro finance organization called Kashf Foundation, took out only 65$ as loan and bought her 65$ bead and clothes to make embroidery from them and sell them to market in Lahor. She has everything now, and even her husband is working with her (Knistaff). The government should be serious in taking important steps against child   marriages in Afghanistan, because child marriage is dangerous for the health of both, mothers and their babies. People should be informed; the parents who force their child daughters to marry and those who marry females under the age sixteen should be punished. Most importantly, the economic situation of people should be developed to prevent them to not marry their children under the age sixteen in exchange for an amount of money. So, the Afghan government needs to increase peoples’ awareness about the outcome of early marriage, make employment opportunities and persecute those who marry their children before the age sixteen. Written by: Zabiullah Zabi http://www. aamozgar. org/child-marriage-in-afghanistan/ Forced and Child Marriage Forced and child marriages entrap women and young girls in relationships that deprive them of their basic human rights. Forced marriage constitutes a human rights violation in and of itself. Article One of the  Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages  states that â€Å"No marriage shall be legally entered into without the full and free consent of both parties, such consent to be expressed by them in person after due publicity and in the presence of the authority competent to solemnize the marriage and of witnesses, as prescribed by law. † The Marriage Convention addresses the issue of age. According to Article 2 of the  Convention, â€Å"States Parties to the present Convention shall take legislative action to specify a minimum age for marriage. No marriage shall be legally entered into by any person under this age, except where a competent authority has granted a dispensation as to age, for serious reasons, in the interest of the intending spouses. †Ã‚   Under General Assembly Resolution 2018 (XX) of 1 November 1965, â€Å"Recommendation on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages,† Principle II states that the minimum age to marry be set no lower than fifteen years. However, this is only a recommendation and it still allows room for a competent authority to grant â€Å"dispensation as to age for serious reasons. Leaving the minimum age of consent to the discretion of each country and allowing an authority to make exceptions to the minimum age of marriage aggravates the potential for early and forced marriages. Forced marriages differ from arranged marriages. In forced marriages, one or both of the partners cannot give free or valid consent to the marriage. Forced marriages i nvolve varying degrees of force, coercion or deception, ranging from emotional pressure by family or community members to abduction and imprisonment. Emotional pressure from a victim’s family includes repeatedly telling the victim that the family’s social standing and reputation are at stake, as well as isolating the victim or refusing to speak to her. In more severe cases, the victim can be subject to physical or sexual abuse, including rape. In arranged marriages, the parents and families play a leading role in arranging the marriage, but the individuals getting married can nonetheless chose whether to marry or not. Many regard arranged marriage as a well-established cultural tradition that flourishes in many communities, so a clear distinction should be drawn between forced and arranged marriages. However, in some cases the difference between a forced marriage and an arranged marriage may be purely semantic. In her January 2007 report, â€Å"Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Aspects of the Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children,† Sigma Huda states that, â€Å"[a] marriage imposed on a woman not by explicit force, but by subjecting her to relentless pressure and/or manipulation, ften by telling her that her refusal of a suitor will harm her family’s standing in the community, can also be understood as forced. † Prevalence Forced and child marriage mainly affects young women and girls, although there are cases of young men and boys being forced to marry—especially if there are concerns about his sexual orientation. Reliable statistics on forced marriage are difficult to compile due to the unofficial and, therefore, undocumented nature of most forced marriages. In 2003, the International Centre for Research on Women estimated that more than 51 million girls under 18 years were married and they expected the figure to rise to over 100 million within the next ten years. Similarly, in 2006, experts estimated that thirty-eight percent of young women aged 20 to 24 in the fifty least developed countries were married before the age of 18. >>Learn more Causes and Risk Factors No major world religion sanctions forced marriage. It is purely a cultural practice. However, no culture exclusively practices forced marriage. Victims are forced into marriage for many different reasons. In the  United Kingdom, the Working Group on Forced Marriage found that most cases were a result of â€Å"loving manipulation, where parents genuinely felt that they were acting in their children and family’s best interests. †   To families living in poverty or economic instability, a daughter may be seen as an â€Å"economic burden† who must be married as soon as possible to take financial strain off of the family. Marriage can also be used to settle a debt, or to strengthen family or caste status through social alliances. Fears about sexual activity before marriage, or fear of rumors about such activity ruining a daughter’s opportunity to marry well, also fuel early and forced marriages. >> Learn more Consequences and Effects Forced and child marriages have severe psychological, emotional, medical, financial, and legal consequences. Victims tend to be isolated from their peers and friends. They rarely have access to social services that could assist them. Early marriages often interrupt a victim’s education. This deprives them of their right to education, as well as limits any possibility of economic independence from their spouse, making it more difficult to escape from an unwanted marriage. The unofficial nature of many of these marriages means that they often go unregistered, leaving a woman with no legal protections in cases of separation. Forced and child marriages are also more likely to become violent because the relationship is based on the power of one spouse over the other. In addition, complications during childbirth are much more common among young mothers. >>Learn more International and Domestic Law and Policies Numerous international legal instruments prohibit forced and child marriage, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Although most countries have signed onto these documents, many countries have not taken sufficient steps to implement these treaties. In 2005, the Council of Europe adopted  Resolution 1468  on forced marriages and child marriages. However, only a few countries have criminalized forced marriage.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advertisements That Make Women Look Bad Essay

Some advertising companies do not see the problem with using women to sell their product and make money. â€Å"In advertising today, women are still dismembered—just parts of them presented to sell a product. Kilbourne says in the imposed American obsession with breasts, uplifted derrieres, etc., women forget things like the sensation they lose when they have plastic surgery on their breasts† (Kilbourne). Advertisements should make sure they do not portray women in a derogatory manner. The roles of women have dramatically changed over the generations. Women have gone from housekeepers and wives to sex symbols. Placing women on advertisements in hardly any clothing draws attention to the product itself, but making women seen vulnerable. Dolce and Gabanna, for example, uses and ad where there is one female wearing a strappy, black dress and some high heels. Dolce and Gabanna has her lying on her back, while a shirtless man is on top of her, as if he were pinning her down. There are also three shirtless men in the scene who are standing around watching. Having an advertisement, such as this one, might work to sell a product because of the impression it places on the consumer. Male viewers would presume that the only way to get a beautiful woman to be submissive is to wear products of Dolce and Gabanna. Advertisements like these make the woman in the ad provocative; therefore, viewers conceive their own opinion about women in general. See more:  The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay There becomes a problem when teenagers and young adults see these women on ads dressing seductive and inviting. Women and young girls alike, start to believe they must dress in this manner because that is what the models are wearing. Women also see ads, such as the one Dolce and Gabanna have published, and they look at the women in the ad that dress tantalizing and getting handsome men, that the female viewers too, think they must dress appealing to capture a man’s attention. These advertisements are ultimately doing more damage and are corrupting our society. Advertising companies need to produce ads that make everyone look at women as beautiful, smart, and self-sufficient human beings and not a body used just to sell a product. Doing this would help society see that women can be beautiful and classy without having to be a sex symbol. It would help women get a better idea of how to be a lady. Also, the viewers of the ads would understand women are not really inferior to men, and buying a certain product does not make a person admirable. Something should be done about these advertisements. It is only putting bad ideas and morals into the consumers heads about the way they should view women. Society should appreciate women. All in all, bashing women in advertisements should be stopped and talked about by the advertising companies. Ads of this sort should not be posted all over the billboards, subways, Walters 3 televisions, and computers. Women-bashing is an ongoing problem, and it will continue to escalate if we do not open the eyes of the businesses selling the product and the viewers who agree that basing women is a sufficient way to sell a product. The ads are slowly getting out-of-control, and if we do not put our foot down now, nothing will ever be fixed, and advertising companies will continue to look for ways to make women seem less than average. Works Cited â€Å"Dolce and Gabbana Boutique â€Å"For Men Only†Ã¢â‚¬  10 May 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2010. . Kilbourne, Jean. â€Å"Summary of â€Å"Killing Us Softly 3†³Ã¢â‚¬  Welcome To Journalism’ Web. 1 Oct. 2010. . â€Å"Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising’s Image of Women | Watch Free Documentary Online.† Web. 19 Sept. 2010. . â€Å"10 Worst Woman-Bashing Ads | Business Pundit.† Business Pundit: Your Daily Dose of Smart Business Opinion. Web. 19 Sept. 2010. .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Write How You Write, Not How You Speak

Write How You Write, Not How You Speak Write How You Write, Not How You Speak Write How You Write, Not How You Speak By Mark Nichol Recently, I wrote about word patronage, the often-unnecessary inclusion of self-referential expressions as â€Å"as you will† and â€Å"so to speak† in one’s writing. This post expands on that one to recommend that you inspect your writing for anything that smacks of spoken English. If you’ve ever seen a transcript of an extended discourse a written record of someone’s comments, rather than the prepared script for a speech you’ll understand how widely spoken and written English can diverge. Spontaneous speech, at least, is riddled with qualifications and equivocations. It’s easy enough to dispose of â€Å"um†s and â€Å"uh†s, â€Å"well†s and â€Å"you know†s when converting a transcript to an essay, but writers should purge their prose of other utterances, words, and phrases as well that add a lot to a word count but little to a description or an argument. (See this post, for instance, for a list of adjectival intensifiers and their adverbial forms to avoid.) In addition, omit hedging phrases such as â€Å"as I see it,† â€Å"from my point of view,† â€Å"in my opinion,† and â€Å"it seems to me.† Search and destroy such pompous filler as â€Å"be that as it may† or â€Å"other things being equal.† These are all understandable (though not necessarily forgivable) indulgences in spoken English, whether impromptu or rehearsed at best, they’re nearly meaningless phrases one tosses off while thinking of what to say next, and at worst, they clutter a speech, distracting and discouraging listeners. But readers expect your prose to be direct and dynamic, and there’s no place for such self-gratification in written form. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good WithLatin Plural EndingsOppose and Opposed To

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Mary Magdalen And Her Abililty To Conceive JC

A Call to Discipleship Contents I. Introduction: I have always been interested in the events surrounding the virginal conception of Jesus Christ and will be examining how he was conceived. II. Topic: The issue of the virgin birth, as described in the Nicene Creed, â€Å"born of the Virgin Mary,† will be better understood through the writings of Susan Haskins compared to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the scriptures Luke 1:35 and Matthew 1:18-25. Sister Helen Prejean’s life and work will then be shown to embody the discipleship of the Virgin Mary, with applicable personal and social implications following. III. Sources: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Tablor Publishing, Allen, Texas, 1994. Haskins, Susan. Mary Magdelen. Harcourt Bra & Company, New York, 1993. Holy Bible. ABS, Inc, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1993. Prejean, Helen. â€Å"Would Jesus Pull the Switch?† Claretian Publications, 1997. 15 Nov 2003. IV. Part I: Three main sources will be used to explore the theological understanding of â€Å"born of the Virgin Mary.† A. Theological understanding according to Susan Haskins. B. Theological understanding as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Scripture. Part II: Sister Helen Prejean’s life embodies the life of the Virgin Mary A. Prejean’s call to social consciousness and treatment embody the discipleship of the Virgin Mary. B. Prejean’s article reflects her personal call to life as a prophet. Part III: Haskins’ studies and Prejean’s efforts emphasize the personal and social implications of life as a disciple. A. Experience in service has helped me represent as a local prophet in my community. B. Prejean’s labors calls upon society for action. V. Conclusion: Sex is everywhere. Television. Movies. Magazines. Business analysts will tell you sex sells and that what the consumer really wants i... Free Essays on Mary Magdalen And Her Abililty To Conceive JC Free Essays on Mary Magdalen And Her Abililty To Conceive JC A Call to Discipleship Contents I. Introduction: I have always been interested in the events surrounding the virginal conception of Jesus Christ and will be examining how he was conceived. II. Topic: The issue of the virgin birth, as described in the Nicene Creed, â€Å"born of the Virgin Mary,† will be better understood through the writings of Susan Haskins compared to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the scriptures Luke 1:35 and Matthew 1:18-25. Sister Helen Prejean’s life and work will then be shown to embody the discipleship of the Virgin Mary, with applicable personal and social implications following. III. Sources: Catechism of the Catholic Church. Tablor Publishing, Allen, Texas, 1994. Haskins, Susan. Mary Magdelen. Harcourt Bra & Company, New York, 1993. Holy Bible. ABS, Inc, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1993. Prejean, Helen. â€Å"Would Jesus Pull the Switch?† Claretian Publications, 1997. 15 Nov 2003. IV. Part I: Three main sources will be used to explore the theological understanding of â€Å"born of the Virgin Mary.† A. Theological understanding according to Susan Haskins. B. Theological understanding as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Scripture. Part II: Sister Helen Prejean’s life embodies the life of the Virgin Mary A. Prejean’s call to social consciousness and treatment embody the discipleship of the Virgin Mary. B. Prejean’s article reflects her personal call to life as a prophet. Part III: Haskins’ studies and Prejean’s efforts emphasize the personal and social implications of life as a disciple. A. Experience in service has helped me represent as a local prophet in my community. B. Prejean’s labors calls upon society for action. V. Conclusion: Sex is everywhere. Television. Movies. Magazines. Business analysts will tell you sex sells and that what the consumer really wants i...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Dont Take TEVA 3109 Before Reading This

Don't Take TEVA 3109 Before Reading This SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What is TEVA 3109? If you have a TEVA 3109 pill and want to know more about it, this guide is for you! We’ll go over all the information you need to know about TEVA 3109 pills including what they are, what they’re used to treat, how you should take them, what the risks of taking them are, and more. 6 Facts to Know About TEVA Pill 3109 There are six key facts you should know before taking a TEVA 3109 pill. We’ve listed them below, along with additional information, so you have all the info you need to take your TEVA 3109 pills safely and effectively. #1: A TEVA 3109 Pill Contains Amoxicillin TEVA 3109 is the imprint on certain capsules of amoxicillin, a common drug for treating bacterial infections. The label â€Å"TEVA 3109† on the capsule doesn’t make these pills a certain kind of amoxicillin; it just indicates who produced them. A TEVA 3109 pill is the same as any other amoxicillin pill. Common brand names of amoxicillin include Amoxicot, Amoxil, DisperMox, Moxatag, Moxilin, and Trimox. However, these aren’t all the different names for amoxicillin, just the most common. The patent for amoxicillin has expired, so there are now literally hundreds of different brand names for it around the world. Regardless of the name, they are all the exact same drug. Amoxicillin is a member of the penicillin family that also includes ampicillin and nafcillin. Each of the drugs in this family contains antibiotics come from the fungus Penicillium. Penicillin and amoxicillin are very similar, but penicillin is synthetically produced, while amoxicillin is semi-synthetic. Amoxicillin is also generally considered better at treating infections than penicillin is. #2: TEVA 3109 Pills Are Used to Treat Strep Throat, Pneumonia, and Many Other Bacterial Infections TEVA 3109 is used to treat bacterial infections by stopping the growth of bacteria. Amoxicillin first began being used in 1972, and it’s now one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in the world. TEVA 3109 pills can treat a wide range of bacterial infections, including ear infections, pneumonia, bladder infections, gonorrhea, bronchitis, tonsillitis, strep throat, skin infections, urinary tract infections, salmonella infection, and blood poisoning. TEVA 3109 pills can also be with the antibiotic clarithromycin to treat to treat stomach/intestinal ulcers and to prevent those ulcers from recurring. #3: TEVA 3109 Pills Are Beige-Colored Capsules A TEVA 3109 pill will be a beige capsule with â€Å"TEVA 3109† printed on it in black letters. Amoxicillin pills can come in different doses, but TEVA 3109 will always be 500 mg per pill. These pills are produced by Teva Pharmaceuticals USA. #4: You’ll Likely Take a TEVA Pill 3109 Several Times a Day Your doctor will explain how you should take TEVA 3109 pills, and you should always listen to his/her opinion over what you read on the internet. In general though, you’ll take this medication by mouth every 8 or 12 hours. You can take TEVA 3109 pills with or without food, but you should drink a full glass of water when you take them. Swallow the pills whole; don’t chew or crush them. The amount of TEVA 3109 you’re prescribed to take a day will depend on several factors, including what bacterial infection you have, how strong it is, and your weight. Most adults are prescribed 500 mg to 2 g (one to four pills) of TEVA 3109 a day. If you need to take multiple pills a day, you’ll usually take one at a time, several times throughout the day. TEVA 3109 pills are most effective if taken at regular intervals, so many people take them at the same time each day. It’s very important to finish your TEVA 3109 pill prescription even if you feel better before you finish taking all your pills. Stopping your medication midway through, even if you feel fine, can cause you to get an even stronger bacterial infection. TEVA 3109 is not addictive, but you still shouldn’t take more than your doctor tells you to in order to avoid serious side effects. #5: There’s a Risk of Allergic Reaction With TEVA 3109 Pills TEVA 3109 is generally a safe drug to take, but it still has side effects you may experience. Talk to your doctor immediately if you have any serious side effects or side effects or a serious allergic reaction. More Common Side Effects of TEVA 3109 Diarrhea Headache Mild rash Nausea Vomiting Less Common Side Effects of TEVA 3109 Dark urine Fever Hives Oral thrush Sore throat Stomach pain Swollen tongue Yeast infections Yellowing of the skin or eyes Allergic Reactions About 1 in 15 people will have an allergic reaction to TEVA 3109 pills. For most people, the reaction is mild, usually an itchy red rash and/or coughing and sneezing. Mild allergic reactions can be treated with antihistamines. In rare cases, patients may have a serious allergic reaction. Symptoms of this include: Rash with blistered or peeling skin Tightness in the chest or throat Trouble breathing or talking Hoarse voice Swelling of the face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat If you experience any of these symptoms while taking TEVA pills 3109, contact your doctor or 9 immediately since the reaction can be life threatening. If you're mildly allergic to amoxicillin, you'll likely get a rash like this on certain parts of your body. #6: A TEVA 3109 Pill May Interact With Methotrexates, Blood Thinners, and Birth Control For a prescription pill, TEVA 3109 is generally safe to take. However, there are five main drug interactions you should be aware of. Methotrexate It’s not recommended to take methotrexate with a TEVA 3109 pill. Methotrexate is an immunosuppressive drug used to treat certain types of cancer, as well as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Taking it with a TEVA pill 3109 can cause nausea, bleeding problems, infection, and other issues. If you’re currently taking methotrexate, your doctor will either recommend a different drug other than TEVA 3109 or work with you to come up with a plan to reduce the chance of serious side effects from the drug interaction. Vaccines You also shouldn’t take TEVA 3109 if you have recently (within two weeks) gotten or will soon get any vaccines, especially vaccines that contain live bacteria. TEVA 3109 can reduce the effectiveness of the vaccines so they may not actually stop the disease they’re designed to prevent you from getting. Birth Control TEVA 3109 can also make certain types of birth control, including the pill, patch, and ring forms, less effective. It does this by affecting re-absorption of estrogen. Use a backup method of birth control, such as condoms, while you are taking TEVA 3109 pills. Blood Thinners Anticoagulants, or drugs meant to thin the blood can also have an interaction with TEVA 3109 pills that causes increased blood thinning to the point where the patient can have severe bleeding. If you’re taking blood thinners and TEVA 3109 pills, your doctor should carefully monitor you for any signs of abnormal bleeding. Uric Acid Reducers Uric acid reducers, such as probenecid, which is often used to treat gout, can have an interaction with TEVA 3109. Probenecid can reduce the excretion of amoxicillin in the kidney which increases the chances of drug toxicity. Conclusion: What Is TEVA 3109? A TEVA 3109 pill is a type of amoxicillin and is commonly used to treat bacterial infections such as pneumonia, gonorrhea, and strep throat. The pill will be a beige-colored capsule with â€Å"TEVA 3109† printed on it. Like any other pill, TEVA 3109 dosages will depend on what your doctor prescribes, but you’ll usually take 1-4 pills evenly spaced throughout the day. Keep taking your pills until they’re all gone because stopping your prescription early could cause you to get a more serious bacterial infection. TEVA 3109 side effects include a rash, nausea, and headache, and some people who take this medication may develop an allergic reaction, although the reaction is usually mild. TEVA 3109 pills are generally safe to take, but you should speak to your doctor before taking them with blood thinners, antigout drugs, and methotrexate. TEVA 3109 pills can also reduce the efficacy of vaccines and birth control pills if you take them at the same time as the TEVA 3109 pills.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Interest rates and exchange rates (the details will be shown in Assignment

Interest rates and exchange rates (the details will be shown in instruction) - Assignment Example This is mainly because of the indifference of the investors. When the interest rate parity is covered, the interest rates and the forward exchange rate between two countries will be in equilibrium. This means that in such equilibrium, each unit return of home currency will be equal to the foreign currency. Thus, the covered interest rate parity states that the forward premium and the interest rate between two countries are equal and there will be no opportunity for arbitrage (Wang, 2009, pp.49-56). (Source: Dollery, University of Hull) The application of covered interest parity is that when it holds true, an investor will be indifferent of investment choice between two countries. For instance, if a French investor has the choice of either to invest or deposit in â‚ ¬ or $ then under CIRP, the investor will get same return irrespective of choice of currency. This is because in equilibrium the future value of investment or deposit will be same for both the currencies (Johann, 2008, p.10). Additionally, there will not be any scope for making profit due to the condition of no-arbitrage in CIRP (Gandolfo, 2002, pp.43-45). The covered interest rate parity is represented by the following equation: (1 + r$) = Ft/St x (1 + râ‚ ¬) Where, Ft = forward exchange rate during time‘t’; & the left hand side of the equation shows that dollar deposits return is equal to euro deposits the returns (Ullrich, 2009, pp.19-22). 2. Uncovered Interest Rate Parity (UIRP) – Investment in First Country The interest rate parity assumes that investors are willing to exchange foreign assets with domestic assets and vice-versa when there is opportunity of making profit from transactions. The theory also assumes that the assets are identical and hence perfect substitutes (Clark, 2002, pp.72-75). On the basis of this assumption it can be said that the investors will be willing to hold assets that yields superior returns irrespective of the origin country. This means that any random investor’s choice of investment decision will not be influenced by forward rates since the investor will earn equal returns on either option. This is because of the interest rate parity theory discussed earlier which assumes that there is no opportunity for arbitrage and the returns of domestic assets will be equal to that of foreign asset (Baillie and McMahon, 1990, pp.150-159). When the investor do not use the forward contract to hedge exchange rate fluctuations and the interest rate parity holds true (no opportunity for arbitrage), then the IRP is said to be uncovered (Harvey, 2008, p.90). The significance of uncovered interest rate parity is that it helps to determine the spot exchange rate by using the concept that expected changes in spot rate of two countries is equal to their interest rate differential (Melvin and Norrbin, 2012, p.115-119). a) Expected Exchange Rate Three Months from Birthday For the purpose of the study, the interest rates based on three month treasury bonds and changes in the interest rates were collected on daily basis. The exchange rates were extracted are the daily close price of exchange rates taken on the

Friday, October 18, 2019

To what extent are a company's annual report and accounts useful in Essay - 1

To what extent are a company's annual report and accounts useful in understanding and analysing its market, productive and fi - Essay Example Other than the owners, there are other internal and external parties who need to study final reports and accounts of a business like the management body, investors, creditors, government agencies, labour unions and tax authorities. This paper discusses the usefulness of annual reports in understanding a company’s market, production and financial performances. Rules of accounts The final reports and accounts of a business enterprise are prepared by the directors whose primary responsibility is to provide a â€Å"true and fair view of the state of the company’s financial position and results†2 at the end of a financial year. In every country there is the Companies Act that provides directions, rules and regulations regarding the format and content of the final accounts that need to be strictly followed. The final reports and accounts are comprised of profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement, statement of total recognised profit and loss, note on historical cost profit and losses, activities done with funds of the shareholders, notes to the accounts.3 Together these form the financial statements of a business enterprise and they reflect the strength of market relationship, productivity and financial position of the business, and whether it has the ability to sustain and develop in the competitive market in the long run. The profit and loss account which is also known as the income statement provides a summary of the activities of a business and the financial achievements in a particular financial year. It provides information about the â€Å"sales or turnover, operating expenses, exceptional items, interest payments, taxation charges and dividends paid and proposed.†4 Although the profit and loss is prepared in a prescribed format, it is designed in a manner that meets the information needs of the management.5 An example of a published profit and loss account of Pickers PLC is shown in Fig.1. Fig.1: Profit and loss ac count for the year ended 31 March 2003 ?000s ?000s Turnover 20,300 Cost of sales (13,850) Gross profit (or loss) 6,450 Distribution costs (2,314) Administration expenses (1,424) (3,738) Operating profit 2,712 Income from other fixed asset assessment investments 125 2,837 Interest payable and similar charges (813) Profit (or loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 2,024 Users of accounts The main purpose of financial statements is to â€Å"reveal the results and financial position of the business.† For this purpose in every business organization final accounts are prepared at the end of every financial year.6 In a business enterprise, it is not only the owners, shareholders or the management body who need to study the final reports and accounts but there are other internal and external parties who have equal rights to know about the financial condition and stability of the company for variable reasons. These parties are investors, employees, lenders, suppliers and other c reditors, customers, government and their agencies, and the public. Investors are those people or organizations that take risks by investing their monies to buy shares of a company. In

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Global Warming - Essay Example His claim is based on the fact that man has the ability to create artificial tropical living conditions through warm clothing and heated offices and homes. The species too are threatened not by the climate change but by the destruction of the habitat such as deforestation. The climate according to this biologist is being used as a scapegoat to divert the attention from other environmental crimes. Warming temperatures promote biodiversity – the warmer the regions is the more diverse its species. The greenhouse effect could help improve biodiversity in the long run. Reichholf explains that biodiversity reached its peak a few million years ago when it was much warmer than it is today. In fact when the ice ages came and the temperatures dropped, species became extinct especially in the north. In warmer climates species receives new habitats. In warmer climates survival is easier. At the same time consensus is growing among scientists, governments and businesses that something must be done to combat the climate change. The nation’s largest utility companies have been forced to ensure that they reduce the emissions of the gas that are believed to be warming the earth as it threatens the economy, the health, the natural resources and the children’s future (Business Week, 2004). The Bush Administration does not believe that the Kyoto protocol and the mandatory curbs would help the situation; it would on the contrary cripple the economy and hence advise new low-carbon technologies. The scientists do not foresee any danger because the planet is only going to be slightly warmer and there is nothing that can avoid it. The scientists claim that carbon dioxide and other gases act like the roof of a greenhouse. Energy from the sun can pass through easily and some of the warmth that would be naturally radiated back remains trapped, thereby warming the plan et. If

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Novel Essay Chapter Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Novel Chapter Analysis - Essay Example â€Å"Tapakwewin† is one of the World War I chapters, and it takes place in September in the area around Hill 70, near the village of Lens. The action in the chapter involves Xavier and Elijah sniping and their squad managing to take the hill from the German troops. This chapter also features the German flamethrower troops who symbolize quite well all the really horrible things about war. Mixed in with this action and horror are important character developments on the parts of Xavier and Elijah both. They also meet another Anishnabe soldier who helps to clearly define the role that Xavier’s and Elijah’s people play in the war, and how that defines who they are and the problems they have in the story itself. In relation to the other chapters of the novel, the reason that â€Å"Tapakwewin† seems central is that is really focuses on the characters of Elijah and Xavier, and how they are different and similar to one another, in a way that helps the reader to understand the novel’s central theme of loss during war-time. This theme is not only loss of life and health, as Xavier experiences, but loss of innocence and a loss of sanity. It also highlights another of the novel’s themes, which is the problems that Native Americans had and still have in integrating with the mainstream population while simultaneously maintaining their own unique traditions and cultures. The Elijah and Xavier featured in this chapter have both begun to change from who they were, and both seem to feel that they are on a course that can no longer be altered. Xavier shares Elijahs thoughts, revealing that he â€Å"wonders what is growing in him† (Boyden 262). â€Å"In the end,† he says, the answer is simple: â€Å"Elijah has learned to take pleasure in killing† (Boyden 262). This point, roughly 2/3 of the way through the novel, seems a pivotal one. In the

Internet and the E-Commerce Flower Business Research Paper

Internet and the E-Commerce Flower Business - Research Paper Example The paper tells that individuals in the modern society over-rely on the internet for easier transactions that may involve reaching the message receiver more conveniently. Traditional methods that would entail physical involvement in the transaction are being surfaced by the technological advances that promise faster and more convenient business and social transactions than the previous methods. There are always various setbacks involved in businesses and the internet developments majorly entail reducing constraints and extra costs incurred in the traditional means. The internet has managed to integrate various forms of communication and entertainment entities in a single library that various individuals can access. The other advantages that the internet entails are in its inability to discriminate against age. Any individual with the proper documentation can create their own website to host their business and complete transactions with the click of a button. The development of this t echnology has presented numerous advances in the overall profit generation creating a wider market for a company to generate maximum profits. Marketing and advertising strategies have been established as the major entities to sell an idea and promote new products presented to the consumer population. Depending on the creativity of the marketer, and the resources applied to reach the customer population the returns expected are measured. The internet guarantees a wider market target to explain the desired product to the user. In this case, the flower business that presents numerous challenges may apply the E-commerce method to offer its sustainability within the market. The E-commerce concept normally involves distribution of the trading qualities over the internet and the transaction completed online. The final process normally involves the product delivery to the customer. This paper seeks to explain the developments achieved in the business industry by applying the internet as the trading media and the flower business as a reference. Impacts of the Internet on Global Finances Grosse explains that the internet has changed the global financial trends sine 1990 from offering financial service like banking to the provision of insurance packages that have found new measures in selling their provisions (Grosse, 35). He majorly dwells on the positive implications that the internet has accorded the banking industry with the electrical money transfer system that ensures safer measures in handling the transactions. It had become cumbersome top queue for longer hours to be serviced by the bank tellers and sometimes insecurities attributed to mugging and loss of money. The major contribution that the E-commerce has directed in the market is the management of the business time, offering minimal period spent on negotiations. The constituent of the trading commodity may be tangible or limited to internet transfer trends including money transfer. The E-business entity means the transaction happens exclusively via the electronic device, and in this case the internet provides the platform (Basu, 18). The E-commerce entity had initially been crude and mostly provided unsafe venues of trade because hackers could gain access to the information that jeopardizes the overall process. With several measures and security inscriptions, safer measures have been applied to reduce on piracy as a series of input codes and security firewalls developed to promote the medium. The aspect of internet trading revolves around the presented transaction and its nature and bulk. Normally, the internet is capable of handling the majority of the business transaction provided the parties reach an agreement towards the terms presented to make it a success. Through exchange of policies, figures in numbers ad possibly images of the advertised entity, the agreement can be solved easily. The negotiation oversees the transfer of the agreement over the internet

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Novel Essay Chapter Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Novel Chapter Analysis - Essay Example â€Å"Tapakwewin† is one of the World War I chapters, and it takes place in September in the area around Hill 70, near the village of Lens. The action in the chapter involves Xavier and Elijah sniping and their squad managing to take the hill from the German troops. This chapter also features the German flamethrower troops who symbolize quite well all the really horrible things about war. Mixed in with this action and horror are important character developments on the parts of Xavier and Elijah both. They also meet another Anishnabe soldier who helps to clearly define the role that Xavier’s and Elijah’s people play in the war, and how that defines who they are and the problems they have in the story itself. In relation to the other chapters of the novel, the reason that â€Å"Tapakwewin† seems central is that is really focuses on the characters of Elijah and Xavier, and how they are different and similar to one another, in a way that helps the reader to understand the novel’s central theme of loss during war-time. This theme is not only loss of life and health, as Xavier experiences, but loss of innocence and a loss of sanity. It also highlights another of the novel’s themes, which is the problems that Native Americans had and still have in integrating with the mainstream population while simultaneously maintaining their own unique traditions and cultures. The Elijah and Xavier featured in this chapter have both begun to change from who they were, and both seem to feel that they are on a course that can no longer be altered. Xavier shares Elijahs thoughts, revealing that he â€Å"wonders what is growing in him† (Boyden 262). â€Å"In the end,† he says, the answer is simple: â€Å"Elijah has learned to take pleasure in killing† (Boyden 262). This point, roughly 2/3 of the way through the novel, seems a pivotal one. In the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

See details box Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

See details box - Essay Example The most important part of being a student was to keep up with the pace of teachers and peers. Since I am a working mother who is pursuing for higher education and license in nursing therefore timely submissions, daily lecture revisions, group studies, assignments and quizzes were difficult to handle. However, if I look back I believe that these college years taught me how to thrive in difficult situations. One of the most important skills that I have developed is multi-tasking. Keeping priorities known and performing them accordingly helped me greatly in keeping my commitments as a student. Exercising multitasking does not necessarily means having a long list of to-dos followed by performing those tasks one by one. Instead it means identifying the most important tasks and putting them on top of the list while low priority tasks can be adjusted in the routine. One of the difficulties that I faced during my college life was effective time management. Despite the fact that I was aware of prioritization and had tried hard to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, keeping track of time and meeting deadlines was always an issue. Since I am a full-time nurse with two children, time management was my biggest worry in college years. Other than that, continuous travelling between work place, college and home along with managing professional and personal commitments posed a big difficulty at times. However, these college years taught me to handle more in a limited time and look for suitable alternatives that may serve the purpose such as having daycare near my college and also forming alliance with my partner to take care of children. During the college years, there was a never ending list of assignments, class room tests, discussions, team meetings and not the least, surprise quizzes that had share in overall grades. In order to make my professional profile look better, it was important for me to secure reasonable grades which obviously required

Monday, October 14, 2019

Narrative Essay on the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay Example for Free

Narrative Essay on the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave Frederick Douglass recounts his life of slavery and his eventual flight to freedom. When he was a youngster he was placed in a household in which the naive mistress started to teach him to read. Her efforts were halted by her husband and young Douglass recalled his lecture on the reasons slaves should not be educated. However the brief lessons placed within Douglass the desire to continue to learn, by whatever means possible, to read and to write. He had discovered that education and literacy was to be his â€Å"pathway from slavery to freedom. † Douglass illustrates that literacy is the most important asset a man can ac-quire if he is to achieve life-changing goals. Douglass’ new ambition to become literate had both positive and negative effects. His new desire filled him â€Å"high hope and a fixed purpose† and his life was fundamentally changed from that early time in life. His quest for literacy was fueled with confidence that his future life would be radically different and better once he had mastered reading and writing. However it was not without negative effects as well. The more he learned of slavery the more he hated his own condition and the slave-owners that created it. As his masters became aware of his ability he was constantly watched as they tried to prevent him from reaching his goal. For a slave the path to literacy was very difficult. However the path to literacy led Douglass to consequences he could not have im-agined. An entirely new world was opened for him, and with literacy came knowledge of a life that slaves had been denied. With literacy eventually came knowledge of religion and the great Abolition movement. The greatest consequence of literacy was freedom of the mind and freedom of thought, and literacy became for Douglass the tool with which he would become his own â€Å"master†. Literacy was for Douglass and other slaves a power which they had been denied. Ignorance and illiteracy were tools more powerful than the whip and chains, and were used effectively by the slave-owners to keep slaves in submission. The slave owners un-derstood this and feared literate and educated slaves who would now know there is no truth in the slave-owner’s belief that they â€Å"should know nothing but to obey his master. † Slave owners knew the desire for literacy would spread among the slaves and would be the essential method for their eventual freedom. It was a power the slave owners were not willing to give to their slaves. Douglass defines literacy not only by describing the obvious ability to read and write, but shows true literacy as the ability to understand and communicate thoughts, de-sires, and emotions. Douglass shows literacy as being the true bond between free men and the method to unite against slavery and oppression. Literacy unites man while ignorance and illiteracy keeps man isolated from the rest of the world. Although Narrative was written over one hundred and sixty years ago it still serves as a valid reminder of the power of literacy, which remains the most important as-set a man can acquire. With literacy all things are possible, and without it the illiterate become slaves to ignorance.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

English Has Become A Global Language

English Has Become A Global Language There are numerous different languages are being used throughout the world. Since there are too many different languages, a global language is produced. A language can achieve this status only when it is important to the world activities such as communication between countries, trading between different countries across the world and culture. It plays an important role and it is recognized by every country (Crystal, 2003). Crystal (2003) reports that English has already reached this stage and there are nearly a quarter of the worlds population around 1.2 to 1.5 billion people is already know and use English. Nowadays, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. English has become a global language not because of it is both easy to learn and is superior to other language but it has strong power base. The thesis of this essay is divided into a few parts, first look at what is a global language and what makes a language global then why English become a global language. Global language means a language which is using around the world and it is important to the world operation and influencing the domains of the human activity in the world. For example, global language is usually uses to write songs, use to trading throughout the world and communication between countries in the world. Global language is important to the world operation and a global language is needed in the world. A language has two mains ways to become global. It can be an official language and foreign language of countries. Official language means a language which wildly used as medium of communication, such as media, the domains as government and the education system (Crystal, 2003). It also can be the first language of few countries. Crystal (2003) claims that a language can have a global status when it is used by other countries around the world. Since a language cannot become global only use by itself. Foreign language means a language teaching in school which has no official status. A mother-tongue language becomes the foreign language and the official language is the step to make the language become global since a language cannot have a global status when it is not taken by the other countries. And English has finished the step to become an international language. English has become an international language not because it is easy to learn. There is no language is easy to learn and better, the difficulty of a language is depend on different learner and Lutz (2010) points that it depends on which level of the learner want to achieve, the higher level, the more difficult. Ellis (1985) says that age, aptitude, cognitive style, motivation and personalities are the five main aspects which separate individual learner differences in a different level. This means the difficulty of language are depends on learner. Ellis (1985) reports that aptitude is a main factor to divides the language learner to different level. If a learner has a good aptitude and a effective way to study a second language, the language will become easier. Learner motivation also is a important factor that make a learner learn a second language success. A learner can likely learn a second language to be success when the motivation is high. Crystal (2003) reports that the intrinsic structural properties, the size of its vocabulary or it has been a vehicle of a great literature in the past or it was once associated with a great culture or religion are the motivation of some learner to learn a language but not the reasons make the language become global. English has become an international language also not because it is superior to other language. Crystal (2003) says that there are many people claim that a language can become global because its sense beauty, clear expression or religious standing and these are the misleading beliefs. Language can become a global language not because the beauty of the language and the number of people who speak it but who speak the language. There are some properties of English makes it become global appealing but the characteristics of the language are not the main reason to be worth to learn but the relative importance between the language characteristics and the internationally value. This make a language be more appealing but not superior to the other languages. English may be more appealing than other languages but not superior to languages. Crystal (2003) says that language can become a global language not because the beauty of the language and the number of people who speak it but who speak the language. English can become a world language mainly because of the strong military power and economic power. Crystal (2003) shows that a language cannot become global without strong power-bases, such as political power, military power and economic power. These are the dominance of the language which makes a language become global. The military power is the main reason to make a language become a global language. When a country has a strong military power, the others need to listen to the language spoken by the people in that country. Which means it makes that language is used in many countries. Between the world war two, Britain set up a lot of colonies. English became the official language and foreign language of the colonies. This is very important to be the official language and foreign language of the colonies because it is a important step to make a language become global. English must be taken by others countries to become global because a language cannot become global when it is only use by the countries which English is the mother-tongue. So English become the official language and foreign language of the colonies becomes the base of English to become a global language. an economic power is still needed to maintain and expand the status of the language. Economically power became a main aspect which maintain and expand the status in the start of twentieth century. The economic start to growth and develop around the world and there are many new markets were born. There were many new technology are invent. Communication between countries is needed to develop the economic and market. Country has a stronger economically power, the first language of that country will become more important and it can maintain it longer and expand it to larger through the economy. Crystal (2003) claims that Britain had be come the worlds headmost industrial and trading country at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The growth of economy of the English is the fastest in the world. These built the foundation of English in the world through the colonies and the economy. These are the two mains reasons to give English a global status. In conclusion, English has become an international language is not because it is both easy to learn and is superior to other language because there is no language is superior to other language and the difficultly of a language is depend on the individual learner differences. The reasons why English can become a global language because the military and the economic power of the countries which speak English And English was in the right place at the right time. (Crystal, 2003:7-10) English set up the base to the world through out the world by Britain colonies. English is also maintained and expended by the economically power and military power of Britain and USA. That the reason why English can become the global language and why English can still be the global language until now.